Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Gardening

It has been a very long winter here.  I am anxious to get out into my gardens, but the snow is still hanging around, so today I started some seeds indoors.

I planted basil, both Genovese and Summerlong, I have no idea what the difference is, but we will see.  I had great success with basil last year, I had a great crop all summer and even dried some for use this winter.  I also planted Rosemary, although I am not expecting great results.  I tried that last year and most of the seeds didn't even germinate, and the ones that did never did grow much.  I figure at less than $2.00 a packet it was worth one more try.

In the flower category, I planted Dahlia seeds.  Yes, seeds.  I never even knew you could grow dahlias from seed until last year.  I tried it and had great success.  I had beautiful, plentifully flowering dahlias until frost.  My plan was to save the roots to replant this year, but my procrastination got in the way of that.  Last year I also started zinnia's inside.  I did buy some seeds, but I think I might just plant them outside when it gets warm enough, I've been told starting them inside doesn't give you that much of a headstart with zinnia's and I don't have a whole lot of room for growing inside.  I started marigolds inside last year also, but again, I don't think it is worth the space.

For the starter containers I used the little greenhouse things that you can buy at the gardening stores.  Last year I used the little pellets but I found that the seedlings soon outgrow the size of the pellets and you need to transplant to a bigger container.  This year I started with the bigger containers.  I used the biodegradable containers that you can just plop in the ground when it gets warm enough to transplant outside.

Here is a picture of one of my gardens from last year:

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