Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gardening Update

Forever with a Hosta and Delphinium
So, here it is the middle of May and we have had so much rain that getting out into the garden to do anything has been a challenge.  I have moved a few perennials around and they are doing well.   We put up a small shed last year and I have divided some of my "Forever's"  and planted them at the back of the shed.   I am not sure what the real name of these plants are, but they grow forever and I got the "Forever" name from one of my friends.  In fact, all of the Forever's that I have around my house came from one plant that was here when I moved into our house, over 30 years ago!  I guess they do live forever!

Chinese Forget Me Nots
One of last year's experiments that has turned out really well is "Chinese Forget Me Nots".  Although they look like traditional Forget Me Nots, unlike the traditional ones, these bloom all summer rather than only in the spring.  They are not a "perennial" but they do reseed and I have  LOT of them to prove this!

This weekend looks like it is going to be nice, so I will attempt to get some of the annual flowers in.  Over the years I have put in a lot of perennials so I don't usually think I need many annuals,  I will fill in for some color though with marigolds and zinnias for sure and I am certain I will find several other plants that I will not be able to live without.  Then it will be a matter of finding a place for them!  I always buy more than I need and spend more money than I plan.  For some reason it all works out though!


  1. Hi Debbie,
    I must have the traditional forget me nots, because they look just like yours but they only bloom in the spring. I had no idea there was the Chinese one that blooms all summer. Mine reseeds like crazy too, but they only bloom for such a short time. I'll have to look into the Chinese one, thanks for the information!

  2. Yes,Rose, the Chinese Forget me Nots looks just like the traditional ones. I have always love the flower and bought the seeds at Home Depot, I think, or maybe Lowes. I was so happy when they were in bloom all summer! I did plant the traditional type last year also, bought a plant at a nursery. So...I am interested to see which of the plants growing in my garden are which!
